How to e-mail

Do you want to e-mail to a Japanese otaku?
I wish that the followings would be a modest advice..

First of all, I want you to understand that we Japanese are awfully bad at English. Most of us (Japanese) usually and substantially do not use English. It is because there has been almost no need to talk or write in English as far as we live in our country.
Accordingly, if you send a mail in English, most of Japanese webmastars will be just embarrassed. In most cases, it will take them quite a long time to understand your message and make them reluctant to write back to you. If you really want to hear from them, this would be the saddest truth.
The followings are made from the mutual convenience. Though it's no more than my opinion, I'm sure that if your mail contains translation to Japanese, you will be able to receive the response more easily.

When you linked to Japanese fansite(if it is "link free"), please copy and send this Japanese mail.

Japanese English



 私は海外の(your favorite game or anime)のファンです。
 このたび、私のページからあなたのページにリンクさせていただきました。私のページは(your favorite game or anime)のページです。
(your URL)


(Your name)


Hello,I am the fan of (your favorite game or anime) in overseas.Today, I would like to tell you that I' ve linked my site to yours.My site is dedicated to (your favorite game or anime).If you're interested in ,please visit me.

(your URL)

I'm so sorry to have to write to you drily, but I'm not so good at Japanese. I'm afraid that it might hurt your feelings as a bad manner of "foreigners."

Yours Sincerely.

(Your name)

(It might sound little flattering, but this is a literal translation of
Japanese relatively courteous letter. It is always written like this, some modesty is neccesary. [In Japan, the format of your English business letter can make the other annoyed. ] )

When you have a plan to link to Japanese fansite(if it is NOT "link free"),please copy and send this Japanese mail.

Japanese English




私は海外の(your favorite game or anime)のファンです。
(Your URL)

1 リンクは許可できません。


(a) 私は英語が上手でないので、あなたのいっていること、やってことがよくわからないでしょう。残念ですが、私は私がきちんと理解できるサイトとリンクするべきだと思います。英語は私にとって難しいものなのです。どうか、私を許して下さい。

(b) 何人かのマナーの悪い外国人が私のイラスト(ファンアート)を無断転載したので、残念ながら許可できません。あなたには気の毒ですが、私は泥棒の通り道を作りたくはないのです。

(c) 日本人の同人イラストを無断転載する外国人がいるので、残念ですが、許可できません。私は自分や友人のファンアートが盗まれることを恐れています。すみませんが、私は泥棒用の小道を作りたくないのです。

(d) 失礼ですが、ひとつ質問させて下さい。

2 Eメールありがとうございます。どうぞ、私のページへリンクしてください。

3 Eメールありがとうございます。相互リンクしてあげましょう。それでいいですか?


(  )(  )



(Your name) 


Hello,You must be surprised to receive this unexpected mail from me.I am the fan of (your favorite game or anime) in overseas.I like your page.Today I write to you to ask if I could have your permission to link my site to yours.My site is dedicated to (your favorite game or anime).If you're interested in ,please visit me.

(Your URL)

When you made up your mind, please check the questionnaire below and send back to me.

1. I'm awully sorry, but I can't.

Because ....

(a).....I'm not good at English,It would be difficult for me to understand you acurately.Though I don't want to crush your mind, I think that I should link to the site that I can introduce easily and clearly; English is too difficult for me. Please forgive me.

(b).....Some ill-mannered visitors came from overseas and stole my fanarts! To make matters worse,they didn't tell me after posting them in their site!
I'm so sorry for you, but I don't want to make the pathway robbers can easily use.

(c).....I know that some ill-mannered visitors came from overseas and stole Japanese fanarts.I am afraid that my friend's and my work might be stolen.I'm so sorry for you, but I don't want to make the pathway robbers can easily use.

(d) ......As for this question, it may be impolite for you.But,let me ask it one.Have you been using the Japanese fanart in your HP after you get all the artists' permission?If your answer is "No",I will be criticized by my friend."Are you the thief's supporter?"If your answer is "Yes",I wish to permit the link to my site to you.Would you send this e-mail again?

2. Thank you for your e-mail.
Sure! Go ahead!

(In this case, the owner might not interested in the site written in English/can't spare her(his) time to read English. However she is not so nervous about you. Please begin as an understanding visitor.)

3. Thank you for your e-mail! It 's my turn to write to you for link my site to yours. May I add your url in my link?

(Best case to link. But our (Japaneses') English is always very awkward and clumsy. Please take care and be our good adviser.)

(  )(  )

I'm so sorry to have to write to you drily, but I'm not so good at Japanese. I'm afraid that it might hurt your feelings as a bad manner of "foreigners."

Yours Sincerely.

If you want to get the use permission of the fan art from the Japanese.

I think that it is difficult for you to get a fanart from the Japanese even if you say "Please give me your fanart." suddenly.Because many Japanese present fanart only to their friend.I think that you had better ask about "May I link to your HP?" before that.If the Japanese answer is "No", the possibility that you can get a fanart from him is poor, too.I doesn't know his answer is "Yes" whether you can get a fanart even.However, you are not a "strange person" at least for him.

Japanese English




私は海外の(your favorite game or anime)のファンです。

(The fanart URL or the fanart name)

(The reason why you like the fanart. You may write this reason in English.)
(Your URL)
 どうぞ、見に来て下さい。私のサイトは (your favorite game or anime)に関するサイトです。

1 残念ながら許可できません。


(a) 私は英語が上手でないので、あなたのいっていること、やってことがよくわからないでしょう。残念ですが、私は私がきちんと理解できるサイトと交流するべきだと思います。英語は私にとって難しいものなのです。どうか、私を許して下さい。

(b) 私は自分の絵(ファンアート)が広く知られることを望みません。

(c) 私は私の友人だけに私の絵を贈りたいのです。残念ながら、私はあなたのことを良く知りません。どうかお許し下さい。

(d) 失礼ですが、ひとつ質問させて下さい。

2 私の絵を気に入ってくれてありがとうございます。

3 私の絵を気に入ってくれてありがとうございます。この機会に相互リンクしましょう。


(  )(  )



(Your name) 


Hello,You must be surprised to receive this unexpected mail from me.I am the fan of (your favorite game or anime) in overseas.I like your fanart.Today I write to you to ask if I could have your permission to use your fanart on my site.It is this.....

(The fanart URL or the fanart name)

(The reason why you like the fanart. You may write this reason in English.)

My site is dedicated to (your favorite game or anime).If you're interested in ,please visit me.

(Your URL)

When you made up your mind, please check the questionnaire below and send back to me.

1. I'm awully sorry, but I can't.

Because ....

(a).....I'm not good at English,It would be difficult for me to understand you acurately.Though I don't want to crush your mind, I think that I should interchange to the site owner that I can introduce easily and clearly; English is too difficult for me. Please forgive me.

(b) .....I don't want that my fanart is seen by many people.I am afraid that the company complains about that the company's copyright was violated by me.As my fanart is seen more by many people, the possibility more that I am complained by the company.Please forgive me.

(c)......I want to present my fanart only to my friend.I'm sorry,but I don't know you well.Please forgive me.

(d) .....As for this question, it may be impolite for you.But,let me ask it one.Have you been using the Japanese fanart in your HP after you get all the artists' permission?If your answer is "No",I will be criticized by my friend."Do you present the thief?"If your answer is "Yes",I wish to permit that you use my fanart.Would you send this e-mail again?

2 Thank you for liking my fanart.If you link to my page (If it is doing) I permit it.

3 I am very glad why you like my fanart.Yes,I present the fanart to you.Please link to my HP,I link to your HP

( ) ( )

I'm so sorry to have to write to you drily, but I'm not so good at Japanese. I'm afraid that it might hurt your feelings as a bad manner of "foreigners."

Yours Sincerely.